Aldon Smith could have dodged a bullet. I mean sure he has basically been Trent Baalke's best draft pick (sorry Eric Reid) but as you known Mr. Smith has been arrested 4 times within his short but spectacular NFL career. He's been a pro-bowler, an All- Pro. He is the fastest to reach 30 sacks in his career, but this has been a character problem. The Niners have led the league in arrests with nine. Yes I know there has been a muderer or a stabbing but this is getting out of hand. Sure Baalke picked up Smith's fifth-year opinion on his contract saying they have to take a human approach on this but really when is enough, enough. If Bill Walsh came out of his grave and saw this Aldon would have been on the streets looking for a job. I do not care if you are Charles Haley or "The Freak" Jermaine Kerase. But when you get in trouble you have to do the time. If he doesn't get suspended then Baalke, Jed York, and Jim Harbaugh need to have a talk and really give him a reality check. If the dictator Roger Goodell decides to drop the hammer on young Aldon I would not be surpised . Let us start talking about Corey Lemonier sacking Russell Wilson at Levis.
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