Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Work in Progress

3 months later, it's still the same for Tiger Woods. The same questions, the same answers, and (apparently) the same golf game, the same results. It's still what many are calling "a work in progress".

Only now, it still might NOT be the same.

Call me crazy, but in the midst of all this "non-progress" from Woods, I see positives. The potential of the "Old Tiger" is still hidden within him (see 1st Rd. 3 wood from rough, 3rd Rd. 2nd shot on 18). Those two shots still show he has it in him. It's just going to take some time to see shots more often like those. Another positive I see is his health. He said he was going to take time off until he's 100%, and that's just what he's done. He has no limp at all, and even looks a little more fit than last time we saw him in May. Finally, the guy says he's hitting it straighter, of all things. He's not used to seeing shots not curve as much, so that obviously is gonna take some time to get used to.

So anyways, I dunno, say what you want about his negatives, whether it be rust, putting, or just sheer hate, I'm one of the optimists in the Tiger camp. Even Bubba Watson and Hunter Mahan see the improvements coming along well. So I can't be the only lunatic here. Tiger will most likely not get it done next week at the PGA, but as long as he's healthy and on a forward track, that's the only thing that can be hoped for as of right now.

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